The comedy of embarrassment. A collection of 12 stories, about a man fixated on the Prime Minister, an E.J Pratt specialist teaching geology in Tuktoyuktuk, group sex above an IGA, a young man resentful of his visionary father, a flight with a suicidal pilot and his terrorist friends, an English wedding (more group sex), an old woman who takes in a derelict jogger, a paperback writer….
Published in 1982. Out of print.
praise for Famous Players
“A developed style, a precision of language, and a non-gimmicky dexterity of imagination.”
—Edmonton Journal
“Hollingshead specializes in assembling incomprehensible signs into stories using such careful and clear language that you begin to think him logical.”
—Anne Collins, Maclean’s
“Wit, imagination, intensity abound…an elegant sensibility.”
—The Globe and Mail
“Hollingshead understands some of the most intricate manoeuvres of the human heart.”
—Books in Canada
“[Hollingshead] seems interested only in the fabulous, in the borderline between perception and hallucination, knowing and wishing.”
—Ken Adachi, Toronto Star